Mahn- und Gedenkstätte Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf

Children’s tour: The story of Ruth and Tom.

A guided tour in child-appropriate language.


Individuelle Terminvereinbarung erforderlich mit Voranmeldung


Admission to the memorial is free of charge.

Our educational programs are generally free of charge for school and university student groups.

Contact us for additional costs and details.

Angebot für

0-3 Jahre 3-6 Jahre 6-10 Jahre 10-14 Jahre Kita



Tom and Ruth are two children born and raised in Düsseldorf. They live with their parents in the Zoo district, go to school here and meet up with friends in the afternoons. Tom is a big Carnival fan. Ruth often takes trips to the woods with her family.

Everything is quite normal – until the Nazis come to power in Germany in 1933. You will learn what changed for Tom and Ruth’s families and how they both managed to survive the years of Nazi rule. You can record your impressions on a remembrance picture and take it home as a souvenir.

The tour offers a first, sensitive approach to the topic of National Socialism. We will talk about family, dreams, exclusion, and escape.


Bildende Kunst und Kunsthandwerk Geschichte und Brauchtum Technik, Forschen und Experimentieren

Organisatorische Hinweise

A guided tour for children 9 years and up.

The tour takes 60 minutes.

Altersempfehlung: 9 - 14 Jahre


Barriere-Informationen zum Angebot

The tour uses child-appropriate language.

Please note that child-appropriate language is not the same as Leichte Sprache (Easy Language).


Antidiskriminierung Demokratie Diversity Kreativitätsförderung English description

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